
Aprotech Incorporated, based in Detroit, Michigan, focuses on value creation for a company’s shareholders, concentrating in revenue growth, enhanced operating margin, and improved asset efficiency.

Business consultants are everywhere, with different agendas, experience, and worldviews. How do you know who can help your company make the best operational decisions? How do you get clarity when complex, contradictory issues cloud even the simplest strategic endeavor?

At Aprotech our consulting expertise is based upon our experience leading manufacturing companies since the 1980’s. We understand how leadership and clear objectives help drive to operational excellence. Aprotech has worked extensively with a variety of product and service providers across the globe, and this has led to the development of the Aprotech Management System (AMS) to address fundamental strategic operating issues.

Core Balance

  • Revenue Enhancement and Cost Containment
    • Increased revenues and controlled cost are required for operating efficiency
  • Standardization and Specific Application
    • Compatibility and repetition can be implemented to particular requirements
  • Competition and Collaboration
    • Opposition in markets create opportunity for working together

Enhanced Revenue

  • Balance
    • Alignment of volatility, predictability, risk and return of income source
  • Recurring
    • Predictable agreements assuring reliable top line stability
  • Cyclical
    • Sensibility to economic and market prosperity and contraction

Enhanced Margin

  • Brand Recognition
    • Awareness builds unique and memorable experiences
  • Customer Compliance
    • Execute requirements in accordance with customer established guidelines and specifications
  • Supply Chain Management
    • Disciplined process to manage evolving business conditions of critical transactions and relationships from suppliers to customers

Asset Efficiency

  • Product Life Cycles
    • Products do not last forever. Continuing Improvement is mandatory and will maximize initial investment
  • Working Capital Reduction
    • Investments in minimal time must be realized in cash
  • Scalability
    • Ability for growth with limited capital investment and costs

Get in touch with a consultant

Let our consulting experience in management, leadership, and strategic issues work for you.

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